Aggreko has signed a contract to provide 100MW of gas-fuelled temporary power in Côte d’Ivoire. The contract will run for two years, and is in addition to the 100 MW Aggreko installed in 2010.

The estimated value of the contract is around $75 million, which includes the supply of a 225 KV sub-station.
The contract, awarded by the Société des Energies de Côte d’Ivoire (CI-ENERGIES), will reinforce the power supply in Cote d’Ivoire and act as a bridge between today’s immediate needs and the construction of permanent capacity.
Rupert Soames, Chief Executive of Aggreko, said: “Following the success of the existing 100 MW power plant, we are delighted that our customer has entrusted us with a further 100 MW. We believe this underlines the success of our gas-fuelled power plants, in which we have invested heavily in recent years; world-wide we now have over 750 MW of gas-fuelled capacity on rent.”