Temporary power provider APR Energy has established a joint venture with Hertz Equipment Rental to provide diesel and gas gensets in Saudi Arabia.
APR Energy will offer Hertz Dayim Equipment Rental, a joint venture between Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation and Saudi-based Dayim Systems, a fleet of diesel and natural gas reciprocating engines and dual-fuel turbines.
Hertz said Saudi planned to increase generating capacity from 55 GW to 120 GW by 2020 in order to meet rising demand.
John Campion, APR’s CEO, said; “Saudi Arabia is a high priority market for APR Energy, and is a key part of our growth strategy for the Middle East. Hertz Dayim Equipment Rental, together with its established operations and strong connections in the Saudi Arabia, gives us a strong partner with whom we can very quickly access this important market.”
Hertz Dayim operates one location in Dammam, and has plans to expand into Jeddah and Riyadh in 2013.