Brad Roberts, the Executive Director of the Electricity Storage Association (ESA) died on October 15th following a recent illness.
Roberts, 69, was the Power Quality Systems Director for the Power Quality group of S&C Electric Company, as well as his work with ESA. He had more than 35 years of experience in the design and operation of critical power systems, ranging from single-phase UPS systems to medium-voltage applications.
He began his engineering work as a systems reliability engineer in the Apollo Lunar Module Programme at Cape Kennedy. He held senior management positions in two of the major UPS manufacturers during his career. Roberts was a senior life member of IEEE and had published over 50 technical papers and journal articles on critical power system design and energy storage technology.
Mr. Roberts was a member of the US Department of Energy’s Electricity Advisory Committee. He had testified before the US Congress on the need for more energy storage in utility grids. He was a member of the University of Florida’s College of Engineering Advisory Committee.
He was a Senior Life Member of IEEE.