The Association for Demand Response and Smart Grid has announced the finalists for its “Griddie®” Awards for Excellence in Communications. The Griddie winners will be chosen by attendees of the National Town Meeting on Demand Response and Smart Grid to be held on May 19-21 in Washington, DC.
The Association for Demand Response & Smart Grid (ADS) is non-profit organization consisting of professionals, companies and organizations involved in demand response and smart grid. ADS seeks to establish and grow a demand response “community” of policymakers, utilities, system operators, technology companies, consumers, and other stakeholders.
The “Solutions Promo” category of the awards consists of video spots that promote a utility programme offering or smart grid-enabled products and services to commercial, industrial, or residential customers. Finalists are the Environmental Defense Fund; Nest; Pacific Gas & Electric; MP2 Energy; and CPS Energy.
“Infographics” are a new approach to visual storytelling that meshes well with the multi-dimensional nature of smart grid. Finalists are ThinkEco, Inc. Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative; Oklahoma Gas & Electric; Comverge; and, Baltimore Gas & Electric.
The finalists, and all the entries, may be viewed at: