David Boden, the British-born research electrochemist, died last week after a short illness.
In the last two decades, Boden was closely associated with Hammond Engineering and the Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium.
Hammond chief technical officer Gordon Beckley told BBB: “It is so sad not having David with us anymore. He was a true gentleman, always full of energy, always polite, always enthusiastic, a great electrochemist and a good friend. I will miss our talks more than anything. To me, David was the James Bond of the battery industry. Polished, polite, determined and always got the job done.”
Steve Barnes, another Hammond colleague, added: “Whenever I visited customers David’s name would often crop up and you could sense when people spoke about him they had the utmost respect for him and his contributions to the industry.”
“Coincidently, I was visiting a company only last week and when discussing expanders, one of the technical managers commented to a new member of their team that they would benefit from reading up on any papers David Boden had contributed. From the reaction, I could tell that when this person had a spare moment they would be researching and digesting the excellent contributions David made to the industry.”