This European event focuses exclusively on the commercialisation of storage, to help you bring your technology to market and win lucrative projects.
This is a chance to network with utilities, legislators, financiers, developers and those at the cutting edge of technological development to define your future strategy.
Get an insight into:
UTILITY PROCUREMENT: Interact with utilities to understand their drivers for storage to align your solution with their future business plan
POLICY SUPPORT: Get updated on European regulations, legislation and incentives that are promoting energy storage and hear how these will impact future market growth
SECURE INVESTMENT: Understand the market revenue structures that are attractive to lenders and mitigate their perceived technology risks to jumpstart your commercialization process
TECHNOLOGY COST: Get the latest on the performance and costs of systems in the field to identify the cost reduction opportunities for your future project
OPTIMIZING PROJECT ECONOMICS: Examine the risks and advantages of different technology variations and applications to increase performance and achieve the very best ROI
More info:
View Event Website