The market for diesel gensets is growing exponentially in Saudi Arabia thanks to the booming infrastructure there. The need for round-the-clock power within the growing economy has seen the demand for generators grow by 15-20% annually.
Construction and industrial activities as well as retail, telecom and IT industries are all emerging as areas of fast growth in the Saudi Arabian economy that has led to the greater demand of power supplies.
With more and more cell phone users there is a need for more telecom base station antennas across the country that require uninterrupted power— another role diesel gensets are filling, especially in remote areas that have unreliable transmission and distribution lines.
Research group TechSci has published a paper called Saudi Arabia Diesel Generators Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2018 that suggests the market will be worth $619m by 2018. It states the current market is filled with small genset manufacturers but predicts this pattern will change in coming years to become dominated by larger players as the demand for higher quality equipment grows.