German research scientists have created high-performance lithium-ion batteries that have achieved more than 10 000 full cycles with a power density of 1100 watts/Kg.
The scientists, based at the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research in Baden-Württemberg, created the cells with active materials that all originate from German companies. The design, manufacture and production of the 18650 cells has taken place at the Baden-Württemberg research centre.
“After 10,000 complete charging and discharging cycles with a complete charge and discharge cycle per hour (2 C), our lithium batteries still have more than 85% of the initial capacity,” said Dr Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, Head of the Accumulator Material Research Department in Ulm.
The cells are being produced semi-automatically in a plant in the ZSW Laboratory for Battery Technology in Ulm, the format is due to be replicated for larger pouch and prismatic cells. Funding for the project has come from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.