The iconic Indian transport device, the rickshaw, will go electric. Mahindra Last Mile Mobility, a division of the internationally renowned Mahindra Group with 250,000 employees, has launched the e-Alfa Super Rickshaw with a range of 95+ kilometres with on a single charge.
The new model will give the rickshaw drivers 20% more efficiency, thus enabling them to earn more for each charge cycle. The new 140Ah lead-acid battery allows the engine 1.64kW peak power and 22Nm torque, making the e-Alfa the rickshaw king of the road among its competitors. In India e-rickshaws are allowed depending on the local government’s approval in any particular state in the Indian federation.
The 18A charger is designed for fast charging, and Mahindra says the company offers access to more than 10,000 charging stations nationwide in India. Fast charging minimises downtime. Furthermore, Mahindra offers 18 months warranty on the battery. Today more than 50,000 e-Alfas are running on Indian roads, making Mahindra number one in the 3-wheeler market. The metal-bodied e-Alfa completes the range of petrol, CNG and diesel last mobility 3- and 4-wheelers. There are around 8 million rickshaws in India, most of them fueled by compressed natural gas. Other competitors, e.g. Honda, have also launched electrical rickshaws to slash CO2 emissions.
Suman Mishra, CEO of Mahindra Last Mile Mobility, said, “In a world with rising demand for clean mobility, our e-Alfa Super rickshaw offers superior range and earning potential. This allows our driver partners to increase their entrepreneurial incomes and reduce environmental impact, while being supported with the trust and reliability of the Mahindra brand.”
BEST has approached Mahindra for comment on why the e-Alfa is equipped with a conventional lead-acid battery instead of other options.
BEST covered the subject of e-rickshaws earlier in 2023. Read our article here