KiWi Power is to provide full-service demand response programmes to UK government agencies through Government Procurement Service (GPS).

Under the terms of the agreement, KiWi Power will provide demand response services to participating central government and public sector facilities, including NHS trusts and hospitals, Ministry of Defence, Department for Transport, universities and local councils across the UK for the next four years.
The various government organisations that use this framework agreement will have, or seek to have, the ability to curtail/shift consumption of electricity or utilise on-site electricity generation capabilities. In so doing they will be able to provide a demand side resource to the local or national grid.
KiWi Power will conduce initial analysis and turndown assessment, smart meter installation, programme management, on-going performance testing and energy optimisation. KiWi Power will manage the full process on behalf of participating sites, including enrollment, reporting and settlement. Sites will receive payment for participation, and will not incur any out-of-pocket expenses.
“As energy costs climb for everyone, not only will demand response programmes help curtail electricity usage, these programmes do it in a way that does not interfere with the critical infrastructure of our nation’s government sites and help maintain budgets for doing the real work of supporting the UK,” said Scott Buckleton, head of business development at GPS.