A survey by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) showed that the UK public is becoming more aware of smart meter technology. The results show that more than half of bill payers have now heard of smart meters. The survey was conducted to gauge customer awareness ahead of a rollout scheme across the UK. All households will be offered a smart metering device by 2020.
It may be encouraging to energy companies that 57% are aware of the meters, however less than 10% actually have a meter installed.
Support has grown for a nationwide scheme, although half the respondents were undecided about meters, support from the other half has increased from 18% the previous year. Those agnostics cited a general lack of interest, lack of knowledge and the cost of installing them as barriers to acceptance.
This coupled with the UK has being ranked the fourth most attractive country in the world for investment in renewable energy signals the energy change the UK is going through. The UK is ahead of Australia, with just the US, China and Germany are ahead. This is due to £29 billion being invested in the private sector since 2010.