Aggreko has signed Tri-Party Power Purchase Agreements with Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), the Mozambique power utility and NamPower, the Namibian power utility, to provide 122 MW of gas-fired power.
The agreement follows the authorization by EDM for the direct supply of power by Aggreko to NamPower and will see the installed capacity of 122 MW split between the two utilities with EDM utilizing up to 32 MW and NamPower up to 90 MW, based on the specific needs of both utilities.
The power plant is located at Gigawatt Park at Ressano Garcia, Mozambique. The plant already provides 110 MW of gas-fuelled power to EDM and the South African utility Eskom.
The new 122 MW plant is scheduled to go into production in the second quarter of 2013 and will supply power for a minimum of two years. The total value of the project is likely to be in excess of $200 million, including fuel costs.