The US Electricity Storage Association has changed its name, leadership and website.
The new name is the Energy Storage Association.
The ESA also has a new executive director, Matthew Roberts, an energy policy expert, having previously led government and public affairs on behalf of trade associations focussed on advanced transportation fuels. Thirdly, there is a new-look website to tell people about the changes and promote the deployment of energy storage technologies.
Roberts is the first full-time executive director the ESA has appointed. The decision to appoint him reflects the ever more prominent position energy storage is taking in US agenda and thus the need for a full time executive director.
Darrel Hayslip, chair of the ESA board of directors said Roberts “will provide critical leadership during a period of rapid industry growth as the face of our organisation and through day-to-day management of all of our member-led activities.”
Roberts has worked in the renewable energy industry as a consultant looking at solar, wind and geothermal technologies.