The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has revised its rules to class energy storage as a power source that can be connected to the grid.
The FERC has amended Order 792 that previously only applied to small generators to also include energy storage. The order now includes storage in the category of resources eligible to interconnect to the power grid under the Small Generator Interconnection Procedures (SGIP) and/or Fast Track Process.
On issuing Order 792 the FERC said it had made the revision “to ensure that the rates, terms and conditions under which public utilities provide interconnection service to Small Generating Facilities remain just and reasonable and not unduly discriminatory.”
The Electricity Storage Association (ESA) welcomed the news and commended the FERC for acknowledging that energy storage should participate in this class and that rules and policies should evolve. ESA Chairman Darrel Hayslip said: “These reforms are good news for storage project developers and further facilitate the deployment of storage on the power grid.”