Energy Storage India is an incomparable platform that has attracted industry front-runners from leading energy storage and emerging technology companies all together at a common platform.
We are building opportunities in the Indian market about the technologies & applications for storage. Energy Storage is now the integral part of renewable energy management practice & is going to play a major supporting role in this remarkable growth!
Energy Storage systems can play a key role in every part of the modern grid in India as envisioned by the central government of India.
The country is looking for rapid adoption of clean energy technologies with anticipated addition of over 60GW of new wind capacity and 100GW of solar capacity by 2022.
India has various initiatives for providing energy access through microgrids for the 400 million people without access to reliable grid electricity.
Indian Government is looking at transforming 100 smart cities in coming decade where energy storage technologies can serve as a backbone for better power quality and reliability desired by consumers.
Indian regulators are looking to introduce ancillary services as well as scheduling of renewable resources that would help in increasing renewable penetration in the grid.
India is looking at ambitious Electric Transportation program with a goal of over 15 Million EV/ HEVs by 2020 to reduce oil import bills.