This seminar will carry several unbiased, in-depth technical sessions on recent materials science and R&D advancements in anodes, cathodes, electrolytes, separators, etc.
Presentations will also include discussions on hottest trends and upcoming cutting-edge developments in the increasing role of software analytics in energy storage.
Complementary industry updates will be offered by subject matter experts from major multinational OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, and battery manufacturers. Topics will cover several existing battery chemistries and their application to stationary/grid storage and automotive xEVs, along with recent advances in some lithium ion technologies, challenges faced in bringing these batteries to a high volume production, and any specific performance requirements driven by such applications.
The seminar will also include an exclusive tour of the NextEnergy facility. NextEnergy’s Microgrid Pavilion (MGP) and Alternative Fuels Platform (AFP) were originally developed to test and validate a wide variety of advanced energy products. In recent years, NextEnergy has focused its efforts on energy storage, electric vehicle (EV), smart grid, and “vehicle-to-X” interface technologies, in line with domestic interests.
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