Semiconductor developer, STMicroelectronics, has brought out a new integrated circuit (IC) that uses a thermo-electric generator to power electronic circuits and recharge batteries.
The IC uses ambient light or thermal energy to power small electronic devices such as wireless sensors, smart-building and industrial equipment controls.
The SPV1050 is suitable for indoor and outdoor consumer or industrial applications with power requirements from a few microwatts to several milliwatts.
The battery-charging circuitry supports a variety of battery types including lithium-ion and lithium-polymer, lithium thin-film solid state, nickel metal hydride and nickel cadmium, as well as supercapacitors.
“Energy harvesting delivers environmental benefits and helps reduce equipment ownership costs, and is used increasingly as energy-conversion efficiency rises and typical system power demands fall,” said Matteo Lo Presti, group vice president of the Industrial and Power Conversion Division at STMicroelectronics. “The tremendous operational and energy-harvesting efficiency of the SPV1050, combined with its unparalleled flexibility and feature integration, enables engineers to realise many new opportunities in industrial and consumer markets.”