Powertecnique has launched a remote round-the-clock monitoring tool for UPS systems and diesel generator equipment.
Called PowerVue, the software allows monitoring via GPRS & GSM by Powertecnique engineers who can diagnose, test and fix problems in the system.
The software not only informs the user when there is a problem in the system, it notifies an engineer as part of the included service agreement, to come and fix the fault.
Darren Pearce, managing director at Powertecnique said: “A lot of existing systems aren’t fully managed and only notify the customer that there is a problem. They don’t say what the problem is, nor do they automatically notify an engineer.”
When there is a problem with a piece of equipment, an alarm will alert Powertecnique to the problem, the 24-hour call centre will then alert an engineer who could begin fixing the fault before the user is even aware of a problem.
The system includes a battery backup system to provide cover for up to four hours while maintenance is taking place.
The software allows each engineer to be fully prepared to know whether a site visit is needed, and what equipment needs to be fixed. This means more problems can be fixed on the first visit.