Failure to fix previously cited issues has led to US lead-based battery recycling firm Quemetco having to close part of its plant.
The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) closed a portion of the company’s battery recycling plant in the City of Industry.
The DTSC said this was because of Quemetco’s failure to take corrective action on previously cited violations.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) is closely monitoring the situation at Quemetco and working with the State, who is the lead regulatory authority, and local partners to address potential health impacts, stated a DTSC statement.
“The enforcement action taken by DTSC demonstrates that the Quemetco facility continues to operate in non-compliance with regulations,” said State Supervisor Don Knabe.
“Quemetco must act responsibly and operate in a manner which protects its workers, neighboring residents and the environment, now and in the long-term.”
More on Quemetco facing emission charges and how it applied for permission to increase its production at the California plant.